Wellness Symposium Resources
The Wellness Symposium, held in April 2009, received such positive feedback, we posted the videos on our web site for all to view. Using the drop down box below, simply choose the video you wish to view and click the arrow on the screen to begin.
You can promote school wellness by encouraging others to view the videos. Share these videos with your partners and stakeholders, and in particular, encourage them to view the Wellness Initiatives: An Administrator's Perspective. Enjoy!
We encourage you to share your feedback once you have viewed the videos.
Video Descriptions
Each video offers a short segment lasting about 10-15 minutes. The descriptions below provide the name of the speaker and title of their presentation.
Opening Remarks from Commissioner Chester
Welcome from Katie Millett, Administrator, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Nutrition, Health and Safety
Opening Remarks from Mitchell D. Chester, EdD, Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Wellness Initiatives: An Administrator's Perspective video 1
Jose Salgado, EdD, Principal, Mario Umana Middle School Academy, Boston
Wellness Initiatives: An Administrator's Perspective video 2
Mary Jo McLarney, MS, RD, Foodservice Director, Somerville Public Schools
Wellness Initiatives: An Administrator's Perspective video 3
Richard Hoffman, EdD Former Superintendent, Ashland Public Schools
Wellness Initiatives: An Administrator's Perspective video 4
Robert McGowan, EdD, Director of Health Education, Cambridge Public Schools
Pat Cooper videos 1-4: There is Life After Tests … and Before
Pat Cooper, EdD CEO, Early Childhood and Family Learning Foundation of New Orleans, Former Superintendent, McComb School District, Mississippi.
Wellness Symposium Materials

To download each speaker's slides/handouts, please click on the speaker's name or the name of the handout. Note: Links are in blue.
Keynote Address: Feet, Forks & the Fate of Children
Dr. David Katz, MD, MPh, FACPM, FACP
Best Practices in School Wellness
Mary Ann Gapinski, RN, MSN(PP)
Debbie Gorman, MEd (6 Handouts)
Faculty Wellness Day Presentation
Faculty Wellness Day Schedule
Faculty Wellness Day Activity Areas
Team Wellness Boggle Instructions
Team Wellness Boggle Grid
Team Wellness Statements
Janice King, RD(PP)
Arlene Argir, MEd (PP)
Evaluating Your Wellness Policy
Carol Goodenow, PhD
Chrissy Horan, MPH
Action for Healthy Kids Tools
Vanessa Cavallaro, MS, RD, LDN
Pat Degon, MEd
Wellness Ingenuity: One School's Story
Jose Salgado, EdD (PP)
Promoting Fruits and Vegetables for School Wellness
Donna Lombardi, MEd, RD (Handout)
There is Life After Tests … and Before
Pat Cooper, EdD (PP)
Wellness Initiatives: An Administrator's Perspective
Mary Jo McLarney, MS, RD (PP)
Pulling Together for Health, Fitness and Academics
Robert McGowan, EdD (PP)