Massachusetts Nutrition Evaluation Tool for Schools

MassNETS is the Massachusetts Nutrition Evaluation Tool developed by JSI to determine if products, not on the A-List, meet the Massachusetts School Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods and Beverages and USDA Smart Snacks in School, whichever is stricter. MassNETS can be used to evaluate any single-serving snack or beverage item, including those purchased outside of the school nutrition program. This tool can be helpful when evaluating products for school stores, vending machines, classroom parties or other school-based events. It can also be used to submit school nutrition program products for A-list consideration.

Click here for complete instructions

The user is responsible for proper and accurate use of this tool by correctly entering data from the Nutrition Facts label and identifying artificial sweeteners, caffeine, whole grains, and juice and other ingredients from the ingredient list of each product.

If approved and the product is available through the school nutrition program, please select "Continue to A-list Approval" and submit the ingredient list, Nutrition Facts panel, and the product distributor and manufacturer information, including UPC, for review.

1 Select a Product Category.
2 Enter the Nutrition Information.
3 Ensure Ingredients are Compliant.
4 See the Results.
5 Submit the Product for A-list Approval.


Nutrition Facts

Amount per Serving
% sugar

Massachusetts and USDA Smart Snacks Standards

Calories: Food must not exceed 200 Calories.
Milk/milk alternatives may not be more than 8 ounces.

Juice may not be more than 8 ounces.

Nuts, nut butters, & seeds may not be more than 1 ounce.

Cheese may not be more than 1 ounce.

? Information Missing

Fat: Total fat may be no more than 35% of Calories.
Milk must be 1% or fat free.

? Information Missing

Saturated Fat: Must be less than 10% of Calories.

? Information Missing

Trans Fat: Must have ≤ 0.5 g trans fat.

? Information Missing

Sodium: Must not exceed 200 mg sodium.

? Information Missing

Sugar: Must be no more than 35% by weight.
Milk must have no more than 22 g sugar per 8 fl. ounces.
Fruit must have no added sugars.

? Information Missing

Yogurt and frozen yogurt must meet the FDA's standard of identity for low-fat or non-fat yogurt.
Artificial Sweeteners: Not allowed.
Caffeine: No more than trace allowed.

Flavored Water: cannot be >20oz.

Milk substitutes must have 30% Calcium and 25% Vitamin D.

Juice must be 100% juice.

Grain based products shall be whole grain.

? Information Missing

Manufacturer and Product Name

Your information

When submitting a product for A-list evaluation, you must provide documentation that supports the information you entered into MassNETS. Upload the following documents before submitting the product:
  • A copy of the ingredients list
  • copy of the official Nutrition Facts label
  • Name(s) of distributor(s) for product

NOTE: In order to submit multiple files, you must select "Choose Files" and select all documents before clicking "Open." To select multiple files hold down the SHIFT or CTRL button. File must be in .pdf format.

If you have any difficulties using the tool or see any cases where the rules appear to be incorrectly interpreted, please contact jsi.