The resources offered by the John C. Stalker Institute of Food and Nutrition support schools in their efforts to integrate nutrition education, wellness policy goals, and services into comprehensive health education, food service, school health, and physical education programs.

An up-to-date and ever-expanding list of vending and snack products that meet the Massachusetts Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods and Beverages in Public Schools.
JSI Professional Development Resources
Many online resources have been featured in workshops and training offered by the John C. Stalker Institute of Food and Nutrition (JSI). The following links include material cited in JSI presentations, tools and materials for use in school nutrition programs, and resources for further information.
JSI Resource Center
Time-saving resource hub with hundreds of online resources evaluated by JSI staff and categorized by topics of interest for school professionals.
Kid Approved School Food Recipes
Results and recipes from our 2006 and 2008 For the Health of it, Kid Approved recipe contest for school food program staff; includes the 2006 Commodity Recipe Cookbook
Massachusetts Menu Planning Project
A 4-week cycle menu meeting the current (2012) meal pattern for the National School Lunch Program.
The Massachusetts Nutrition Evaluation Tool helps schools determine if products,
not on the A-List, meet the Massachusetts School Nutrition Standards for
Competitive Foods and Beverages.
Recipe Tool (requires log in)
This application lets you create recipes from an ingredient database and analyzes
the recipes to determine if they meet the Massachusetts School Nutrition Standards
for Competitive Foods and Beverages.
Student-Approved Snack Recipes for Schools
Recipe resource with 13 student-approved snack recipes intended for use in schools.
Recipes have been evaluated by the JSI Recipe Tool to meet both the state and
federal nutritional standards for snacks, whichever is stricter.
The Wellness Solution for Massachusetts
A resource for school community members to establish, implement and share effective wellness policies for their schools.
Wellness Symposium Resources
Resources and materials from the highly successful 2009 School Wellness Symposium in Massachusetts