Are you looking to increase your knowledge about and ability to implement the USDA National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs? This training series will provide you with the vital information and skills to improve program operations. Opportunities throughout the year will include both in-person and online sessions. Those who complete eight or more sessions in series will receive recognition at the Healthy Kids, Healthy Programs Summit.
All in person sessions take place at Framingham State University from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm and provide 5.5 hours of professional development. Cost: $40 per session – includes continental breakfast starting at 8:00 a.m. and lunch.
All online sessions will take place via webinar from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm and provide 1.5 hours of professional development. No Cost.
Presentation materials are supplementary to the live conference. Files available in an alternative format upon request.
Register Now for sessions of the Continuation Series
- September 17, 2019
Using the Virtual Gateway for Direct Certification — Online
Join us for an in-depth discussion of the Direct Certification process conducted to certify eligible children for free and reduced-price meals without the need for household applications. During this webinar we will answer your questions about reporting and documentation requirements giving you a broad perspective on how this data is used once reported!
Suggested Learning Codes: 3120, 3100 (1.5 CEU)
Presentation - September 26, 2019
Meal Benefit Issuance – Compliance, Refreshers and Common Challenges — Online
Join us to refresh and expand you understanding of the Meal Benefit Application Process. This webinar will focus on strategies to ensure compliance and how address common challenges. Participants are encouraged to bring questions or unique scenarios to share with the group.
Suggested Learning Codes: 3110, 3100 (1.5 CEU)
Presentation - October 3, 2019
Deciphering the Verification Process — Online
Review all parts of the Verification Process so you can identify and avoid common procedural errors and effectively use the Direct Verification Process. Starting with the initial steps for verification, addressing the selection procedures and when to review questionable applications. We will wrap up with the required procedures for notifications and follow-up, allowable sources for verification and tips for determining if verification is complete.
Suggested Learning Codes: 3110, 3100 (1.5 CEU)
Verification Process Manual - October 10, 2019
Counting and Claiming Meals – Tips and Tricks for Ensuring Accuracy — Online
A strong and accurate meal counting and claiming process is key to the success of all school nutrition programs. Is your current process leading to costly errors? Join us for a session that takes a closer look at how to strengthen your current process to ensure accuracy. Participates are encouraged to bring questions and real-life challenges up for discussion.
Suggested Learning Codes: 3310, 3300 (1.5 CEU)
Presentation - November 21, 2019
USDA Foods Utilization Check Up — In-Person
Discuss in small groups your district's USDA Food entitlement usage to date. Identify how strategies for maximizing your district's entitlement dollars and develop solutions to issues encountered in real time.
Suggested Learning Codes: 2430, 2400 (5.5 CEU)
Handouts: Presentation - December 10, 2019
Solutions for Real Life Challenges to Serving a Reimbursable Lunch or Breakfast — Online
The National School Lunch and School Breakfast Meal Patterns are a lot more complicated than they appear! Join us for a webinar discussing some common meal pattern errors observed during administrative reviews along with answering challenging questions we receive from districts over the past school year. If you would like to submit your question to be answered live on this webinar email Dcourtney@doe.mass.edu.
Suggested Learning Codes: 1110, 1150 (1.5 CEU)
Handouts: Presentation - January 14, 2020
Keeping your HACCP Plan Current in an Ever-Changing World — Online
There have been some big changes in the way foods are served in our Massachusetts school systems over the last couple of years. New food choices and updated methods for serving students nutritious and healthy foods could bring some unforeseen risks if we are not careful. Whether your school offers Breakfasts in the classroom, Second chance service carts in the hallway, Online food ordering APPS or Self-service food bars, innovative serving methods must be addressed in your HACCP plan, to keep foods safe. In this webinar we will discuss ways to handle foods safely in these unique situations, and how to incorporate these changes into your HACCP plan to control risks. We'll also talk about how and when to verify your HACCP plan through recordkeeping and a regular review process so that it's working for you.
Suggested Learning Codes: 2610, 2620 (1.5 CEU)
Handouts: Presentation - February 11, 2020
Three Bids and a Buy — Online
Are you looking to stay on top of your procurement process for SY20/21? Join us to take a fresh look at the procurement timeline and gain an understanding for what you can do today to optimize your purchasing for next school year.
Suggested Learning Codes: 3320, 3300 (1.5 CEU)
Handouts: Presentation - March 19, 2020
Cancelled due to COVID-19
Production Records, Recipes, CN Labels, & Product Formulation Statements — In-Person
This in-person session will review production records, standardized recipes, using and finding CN labels, and Product Formulation Statements. Participants will leave the training with the necessary strategies and information to incorporate these topics into their operation.
Suggested Learning Codes: 2120, 2150 (5.5 CEU) - April 16, 2020
Cancelled due to COVID-19
Increasing Access and Engagement through Afterschool Meals — Online
In this online session, we will review the different ways in which schools can participate in an afterschool meal programs. Afterschool meals promote the health and well-being of children and youth in local communities by providing nutritious meals and snacks, filling the afternoon hunger gap for children and teens. When school is out and parents are still at work, children need a safe place to be with their friends, with structured activities, supportive adults, and good nutrition. Participants who attend this online session will understand eligibility requirements, the available meal patterns, and which meal options available under the different programs.
Suggested Learning Codes: 2120, 2150 (1.5 CEU) - April 28, 2020
Cancelled due to COVID-19
Incorporating Farm to School in your Local Wellness Policy — Online
Farm to school programs play a significant role in improving the quality of school meals and expanding nutrition education and nutrition promotion. Local Wellness Policies can help build the framework for a Farm to School Program in your community. Join us for a webinar highlighting the benefits and strategies for supporting your community's wellness goals with farm to school.
Suggested Learning Codes: 4160, 4120 (1.5 CEU)
View the 2018-2019 Nuts & Bolts of School Nutrition Programs: Continuation Series